This 5-week online course meets weekday evenings and focuses on color as it pertains to textiles. Each week a new topic is presented by a guest lecturer within their area of their work and research. The topics include: Anni and Josef Albers in Color, the Biology and Physics of Color, Natural Dyes, Global Pigment Histories, and ‘Color Vision’ and Jacquard Weaving. In addition to weekly presentations, there will be a weekly reading chosen by the presenter and a lengthy Q&A. This course is intended for anyone who wants an in depth look at the culture around color beyond a “how-to” workshop, and is intended for people interested in many types of textiles, not just weaving.
“Anni and Josef Albers in Color: Thread, Paint, and Print” by Fritz Horstman
“The Physics and Biology of Color Perception” by Eric Hibit
“Natural Dyes: The Artistry of Living Color” by Natalie Stopka
“In Living Color: Pigments in the Past, Present, and Future” by Julia Norton
“‘Color Vision’ and Jacquard Weaving” by Sarah Wertzberger